

A stunning photo book featuring portraits and summaries of masterpieces from 10,000-plus years of architectural history, from churches and temples, castles and caves to pyramids and palaces, walls, towers, and more! The iridescent play of light through Gothic windows. Skyscrapers gleaming in the sun. The worn steps of a Mayan pyramid. Indian temples rich in detailed reliefs. Buildings move us, protect us, and give us places for devotion and contemplation, political debate, and artistic expression. Here, humankind's architectural masterpieces are presented in outstanding photographs, accompanied by texts that highlight interesting facts about each monument's history. Presented chronologically, this organization reveals often-overlooked parallels among cultures worldwide: Who would have thought that while the Romans were discussing politics at the Forum, life was flourishing in the Mexican city of Teotihuacán? Or that the Great Mosque of Djenné and St. Patrick’s Cathedral were built at the same time? This captivating book will take you on a global exploration of humanity's greatest architectural achievements, all of which bear witness to their time.
NZ$ 170.00
285 x 285 mm
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