Elizabeth F Hill (1)

Cotton Cloud Refuses To Rain

ISBN: 9781912923335

Author: Elizabeth F Hill    Publisher: Five Quills

Cotton Cloud wants to be the best cloud ever! She will never rain, she says, because rain makes the people SAD. But the endless sunshine dries up the lake, with...

Cotton Cloud wants to be the best cloud ever! She will never rain, she says, because rain makes the people SAD. But the endless sunshine dries up the lake, withers the plants and cracks the soil. Sun and Wind tell Cotton Cloud it is time for her to rain! But stubborn Cotton Cloud refuses to listen. Until one day she looks down on the hot, tired, thin people and sees they are no longer happy. Her heart swells with sorrow, and as her tears turn into rain, the dry earth turns green again. The people laugh and dance happily in the rain!

Bind: paperback

Pages: 32

Dimensions: 250 x 260 mm

Publication Date: 05-10-2023

DUE > 31st Jan 2024
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