The Mustard Book

ISBN: 9781906502591

Author: Roz Perrott    Publisher: Grub Street

Mustard has a long and fascinating history weaving back through many different cultures. It was being cultivated even earlier than 4000BC. The peppery flavoured leaves of the plant can be eaten and are indeed one of the mainstays of southern American soul food cooking and its seeds can be pressed to make oil as well as used whole. This is the first authoritative book on the subject and covers all aspects of its history, cultivation and its many and varied uses, both culinary and medicinal. There is something here for everyone from the professional chef, who may want to learn how to make mustard from scratch, to the home cook. The bulk of the book is dedicated to over 150 recipes using mustard as an ingredient and includes recipes for sauces, soups, starters, fish, poultry, game, meat, vegetables, pickles, baking, savouries and puddings. There is also a section on making mustard at home.

Pages: 288

Dimensions: 170 x 240 mm

Publication Date: 01-06-2010

Tag: Cooking, Food & Drink

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