Guthli Has Wings
Guthli has Wings is everyones favourite a story of a happy child Guthli who likes to draw fairies, swing and cycle. But then one day she is told not to wear her sisters frilly frock that she loves, but her own boys clothes. And things erupt. Why do you keep saying Im a boy when Im a girl? Guthli asks her mother. In that simple question lies all the bewilderment that children like Guthli feel, who dont seem to others what they know they are. The gentle, bold story about gender identity tells it like it is, reality echoed in the flatness of the vibrant cutout illustrationsGuthlis sparkle and sadness, her familys confusion, the big question mark that hangs over them all. How will Guthli get wings to be herself, to fly?
NZ$ 19.99
190 x 215 mm
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