Lone Wolf #1 : Flight From The Dark

ISBN: 9781915586001

Author: Joe Dever   

The classic role-playing adventure returns! YOU are the sole survivor of a devastating attack on the monastery of the Kai, who for thousands of years have protected the realm of Sommerlund. The servants of darkness hunt you across every turn of the page. Can you reach the capital and warn the king of the gathering evil in time? Will you survive? Choose your skills and your weapons wisely--your choice may be the difference between life and death in the most fantastic and terrifying journey of your life. For you are now the last of the Kai--you are LONE WOLF.

Bind: paperback

Pages: 416

Dimensions: 127 x 203 mm

Publication Date: 15-11-2022

Availability Date: 28-02-2023

Tags: November 2022   Fiction - Young Adult

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