The Delicious

ISBN: 9783899555851

Publisher: Gestalten

A Companion to New Food Culture From modern foraging and entomophagy to future foods involving 3D printing, this book compiles current food trends from around the world. Today, food and beverages are a vital part of creative culture. The Delicious presents pioneers, traditionalists, and entrepreneurs who are breaking new ground and enriching the culinary world with their innovative concepts. The book also presents eatery owners who are creating unusual spaces for the enjoyment of food, moving away from the classic restaurant setting. Eating is more than a pastime, it’s a party; food is more than nourishment, it’s a social experience. The Delicious helps you stay up-to-date with the world’s cooking and dining trends.

Bind: hardback

Pages: 240

Dimensions: 245 x 285 x 30 mm

Tag: Cooking, Food & Drink

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