Gordon Colliers 3 Gardens
Few have advanced the art of gardening in this country as much as Gordon Collier. New Zealands most passionate plantsman and garden designer extraordinaire needs no introduction to garden lovers, but in this beautiful celebration of his three famous gardens created and nurtured over 60 years friends, colleagues and fellow gardeners pay tribute to the man behind the legend. T ī toki Point, Anacapri and The White House gardens perfectly display the talent and vision of Gordon Collier down the years as he worked tire-lessly to create living works of art. The sheer beauty of his work on display here will undoubtedly further inspire creative gardening in this country and become an important reference for students of garden design. As the man himself has said, a good garden should be judged not by the rarity or the expense of the plant inhabitants but by how those plants are assembled, one with the other. And how that was done in these three memorable gardens is nothing short of magical.
NZ$ 59.99
210 x 250 mm
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