Architectural Drawings of Christs College

Architectural Drawings of Christs College

The Christ’s College campus in Christchurch is unquestionably one of the most remarkable collections of buildings in New Zealand, but there are few publications which focus solely on its architecture. To produce this book, Sir Miles Warren, the architect for Christ’s College for 43 years, enlisted fellow Christchurch architect Alec Bruce to create this succinct summary of the design of the college’s unique buildings. Earlier collaborations on projects at Christ’s College led naturally to this shared authorship. Drawings have been used instead of photographs, to show the range of types of graphical information from which buildings were produced and the different creative tendencies of the architects involved. Later design commissions contend with the challenge of working in an established heritage environment. Significant parts of Christ’s College were changed as a result of the Christchurch earthquakes, lending urgency to the publication of this book, which includes buildings which have been removed since September 2010.
NZ$ 45.00
303 x 255 mm
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