Certain to fuel young readers curiosity about all things related to space, this gorgeous and information-packed book chronicles human exploits beyond Earth. After introducing readers to the basics of every rocket, regardless of size or purpose, it delves into a wide variety of significant moments and concepts around the history of space exploration: the stories of Sputnik, the X-15 and the race to space; how we measure distance in the universe; what makes up an astronaut’s suit; the Saturn V launch vehicle; the Apollo 11 moon landing; space shuttles and international space stations; Mars exploration; and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life—myth and fact. Filled with full-page spreads featuring the author’s signature retro-futurist drawings, this colorful and enlightening book will keep readers fascinated for hours on end, while igniting a lifelong passion for the endless possibilities of our cosmos.
NZ$ 59.99
230 x 280 mm
3 September 2024
3 December 2024
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