Lasting Impressions
The first comprehensive history of New Zealand newspapers since Guy ScholefieldsNewspapers in New Zealand in 1958, Lasting Impressions is a social history that places newspapers and their vital importance in New Zealands development as a nation in the context of life in the communities they prospered or failed in. There are detailed descriptionsof the beginnings of the newspaper business in New Zealand, the papers that spread throughout the countryclose behind the first settlers, the daily presss leap of faith, the proliferation of provincial papers, early twentieth century challenges, and the difficulties faced by World War One newspapers. For the first time in a newspaper history there are also sections on the burgeoning weeklies phenomenon, the distinctive goldfields press and the numerous Maori newspapers. The book is both a valuable reference resource and a social history brimming with colourful extracts from newspapers and stories of remarkable personalities. Fraser Books in association with the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington
NZ$ 69.50
170 x 240 mm
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