Be Who You Are
Be Who You Are is the story of Anna Simms personal Reiki journey. The words Rei and Ki are thought to originate from Raku-Kei and are from the Japanese language. Raku is the vertical energy flow through the body and Kei is the horizontal energy flow. Raku-Kei is the art and science of self-improvement used by ancient Tibetan llamas dating back thousands of years. Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) means Universal Life force and is a system of natural healing which involves the lay-on of hands and distant healing. As Anna Simms says: It was nearly 30 years ago when I discovered Reiki. I was living in Hong Kong and due to go into hospital for major surgery. It was also the year I decided I would compete in the Dragon Boat races, so I wanted to heal quickly. Dragon boating seemed impossible, but someone mentioned Reiki. Anna saw a practitioner, made a surprisingly rapid recovery from her operation and competed in national and international Dragon Boat competitions that year on Hong Kong Harbour.
NZ$ 25.00
148 x 210 mm
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