Products (34)

Soils of the Edendale District

ISBN: 9780478093001

Author: Peter McIntosh    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

Although the Edendale district of Southland has a large area of high class soils, up until now the detailed soil distribution has never been mapped. Recently, an increase in dairy farming in the district, legislative change regarding effluent disposal, and opportunities for horticultural diversification have created a requiremen...

New Zealand Soil Classification 3rd Edition

ISBN: 9780478347104

Author: A E Hewitt    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

This book provides a new synthesis for the large body of information collected since the 1950's. It represents the best attempt, given the state of knowledge at the time, to classify and provide a comprehensive overview of New Zealand soils.

Features of the book include a key to orders, subgroups and gro...

Soil Management Guidelines for Sustainable Cropping

ISBN: 9780478093384

Author: T G Shepherd    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

Healthy soil is productive soil and the keys to maintaining soil health can be found in this full colour booklet. Devised by experienced Landcare Research soil scientists, it is a practical, easy to follow manual which will help farmers and vegetable growers manage their soils sustainably.

Visual soil as...

Soils and Land-Use Issues in the Mackenzie Hill Country

ISBN: 9780478093155

Author: P McIntosh    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

This new report describes the soils and soil distribution in the Mackenzie hill country, as well as addressing the issues of nutrient deficiencies, the sustainable use of pastoral land, and the potential for forestry in the area.

Thirty-nine soils are identified and grouped into land systems. Soil landsc...

Methods and Rationale of the New Zealand Soil Classification

ISBN: 9780478045123

Author: A E Hewitt    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

Landcare Research Science Series No. 2

A natural extension to Version 3, explaining the methods used to develop the New Zealand Soil Classification, it includes discussion of the rational for class recognition and definition. Aiming to provide a concise account useful for soil taxonomists, users and stud...

Provisional Targets for Soil Quality Indicators in New Zealand

ISBN: 9780478093964

Author: Graham Sparling    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

To judge the quality of a soil for production and environmental goals, the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil need to be compared against the desirable condition for that land use. Ideally, a response curve is needed that shows the relationship between a quantitative soil characteristic and the quality rank...

Geetie's Cookbook: Recipes from the Duke of Cambridge Organic Pub

ISBN: 9781906502492

Author: Geetie Singh    Publisher: Grub Street

When Geetie Singh opened her now-famous organic gastro pub in Islington, London experts in the trade said it would never work. That was 10 years ago - and last year the Duke of Cambridge in St Peter's Street was celebrating winning three ethical awards. It has received a Natural and Organic Award, in association with the Soil As...


ISBN: 9781565236998

Author: John Kelsey    Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing

This comprehensive reference provides practical guidance for any homeowner who wants to create a more attractive yard. Written by landscaping experts, it provides time-tested, easy-to-follow instructions for designing and shaping an effective landscape plan. Whether renovating an existing landscape or completely starting from sc...

Fauna of New Zealand 55 : Criconematina

ISBN: 9780478093810

Author: W M Wouts    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

Criconematina nematodes

Criconematina are nematodes, or unsegmented roundworms, belonging to the group Tylenchida. Tylenchids are plant parasitic nematodes with a hardened mouth piece which they use to puncture plant cells, and many tylenchids cause damage to agricultural crops. This is especially true i...

Fauna of New Zealand 70 : Periegopidae

ISBN: 9780478347401

Author: C Vink    Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press

Periegopid spiders

There are only three species known in the family Periegopidae and all are in one genus, Periegops. These rare spiders have only ever been found in relict forests at limited locations in New Zealand (Banks Peninsula, Riccarton Bush, the Aldermen Islands, and East Cape) and in Queensland...

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